Alexa Koen from the First Pinetown Scouts Troop is busy doing her 40 hours of community service for her Springbok scouts’ badge! To achieve this prestigious badge Alexa is required to complete 40 hours of community service, lead a team, broaden her knowledge and allow others to partake in her project. So, Alexa decided to give back to her community by spending her 40 hours in the Eco trails of the Westville Country Club. Her team have been very busy getting their hands dirty by removing alien species such as – morning glory, castor oil, canna and more, together with the help of Jenni Bell from the Westville Conservancy.
Alexa says that ”I see the value of this for our community as I have a close tie to nature.”
While walking in the trails she noticed that the bank had been taken over by alien species, so she decided this was the perfect project for the Scout badge.
The team started this project on the 18 March and will be there till the 22 March. They will be planting some lovely indigenous plants in their place including aloes, bulbines and more. These where donated to the troop by their neighbours and various parents of the Scouts.
Alexa says that, “The trails can be even better if more people come and help, there is lot’s of opportunity to get your hands dirty and have some fun. We forget that Westville, although in the city, has such a lovely feature in our back garden.”
The team have removed bags and bags full and encourage their Westville neighbours to come and enjoy their handy work at the Westville Country Club Eco Trails. So, watch this space to see the final products.
For more info contact Lisa –
Picture: Alexa Koen – With Castor Oil (Alien invasive)
Top from Left: Lisa Nourse, Jenni Bell, Samke Mbonane, Alexa Koen, Alta Koen, Sarah Ismail
Front Row from left: Brian Ferrel, Hlanganiso Mbonane, Bianca White